Headshot of the Adams County Prosecuting Attorney

Prosecuting Attorney

Peter Donovan
8-12; 1-5 Monday - Friday
(208) 253-4141
Cell Phone
(208) 498-9721
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 604 Council, ID 83612
Physical Address
201 Industrial Ave. Council, ID 83612


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Patricia Paulin is the Legal Assistant in the office and can be reached at ppaulin@co.adams.id.us.

The Adams County Prosecuting Attorney is a constitutional officer of the state judicial branch of government. He is elected by the qualified electors of Adams County.

A significant portion of the work done by this office involves efforts by us and law enforcement agencies to address criminal conduct that occurred in Adams County. Our office prosecutes all felony cases, as well as misdemeanor cases that are not prosecuted by a city attorney.

The Office of the Adams County Prosecuting Attorney also handles a variety of other matters. An important function of the office is providing legal advice to the County’s elected officials. We also have responsibilities relating to civil litigation, juvenile cases, child protection actions, and mental health proceedings.

Prosecutor’s Philosophy


The guiding principle for the prosecuting attorney in criminal cases is to “do justice.” Our office has prosecutorial discretion in determining what crimes will be charged, and that discretion should be exercised wisely.

The prosecuting attorney also makes sentencing recommendations to the judge after a criminal defendant has been convicted of a crime or has pled “guilty.” There are four traditional justifications for punishing criminal defendants, and the prosecutor should bear these in mind when forming sentencing recommendations:

Retribution – Society inflicts suffering on the defendant in return for the defendant’s criminal actions (a form of vengeance).

Deterrence – Society inflicts suffering on the defendant in the hope of deterring the defendant, as well as others, from committing similar crimes.

Rehabilitation – It is hoped that the defendant will be reformed through the punishment that is imposed.

Societal protection – It is hoped that limits and requirements imposed upon the defendant at sentencing will protect society from further criminal actions by the defendant. For example, the defendant may be incarcerated, the defendant’s driving privileges may be limited, the defendant may be required to meet periodically with a probation officer, or the defendant may be required to wear a device that will sense if the defendant has consumed a beverage containing alcohol.


Our office makes decisions that show we value and respect the law. In all matters in which we may become involved, the interests of the people of the State of Idaho and the residents of Adams County are paramount.

201 Industrial Ave. Council, Idaho 83612
(208) 253-4561
(208) 253-4227
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