Photograph of the Adams County Building Inspector, Randy Nichols.

Building Department

Out of County Coverage
8AM - 5PM Monday – Friday
(208) 253-4561 Option 4
Cell Phone
(208) 566-2700
(208) 253-6127
Mailing Address
PO Box 48 Council, ID 83612
Physical Address
201 Industrial Ave. Council, ID 83612


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The Building Department Secretary can be reached at the office, except during the lunch hour. She is available to assist with general questions, and scheduling.

Plans may be dropped off at the office (bring 2copies)

  • Code enforced to 2021 IBC and     2018 IRC requirements
  • The building department may require engineering. Click here for more information.
  • all commercial plans shall be     engineer stamped

Design loads for Adams County:

·        Wind load – 85 miles per hour

·        snow roof loads: Council, Salmon River, Indian Valley areas: 80lbs per sqft
                           New Meadows area: 100 lbs.
                           Rock Flat, Bear: 120 lbs.
                           Brundage MTN area: 240 lbs.

·        Frost depth: 24 inches

·        Seismic Zone: D

·        Wind exposure – C 85miles per hour

·        Set back required by County:
    20 ft off property line
    80 ft from the center line of a right-of-way

·        R-38 Ceiling

·        R-19 Walls

·        R-30 Floor


Standard Requirements

·        Drawings shall be legible and drawn to scale:  ¼” = 1’-0”.

·        Drawings must show conformance to the applicable local and state codes.

·        Do not use the color Red.

·        Project address to appear on all documents.

·        Truss Engineering and Truss Layout

·        Structural Calculations.

·        Beam Calculations 


Drawings shall include:

1. Site Plan

·        Includes measurements from buildings, property lines, easements, rights of ways, road ways, waterways, flood zones, etc.

2. Floor Plan(s)

·        A completely dimensioned floor plan for each level.

·        Room use identified(i.e. bedroom, living room, garage, laundry, etc. 

·        Door and Window locations, sizes, operation type (single-hung, casement, horizontal slider, etc) and U-values.

·        Location of all plumbing fixtures (i.e. toilet, sinks, tubs, showers, hot tubs, dishwashers, water heaters, etc)

·        Location of smoke detectors and CO detectors.

·        Location of exhaust/ventilation fans.

·        Location and type (gas or electric) of heating and/or cooling equipment.

·        Locations of decks, patios, balconies.

·        Location of any fireplaces (gas or wood) or wood stoves.


3. Roof Plan:

·        A completely dimensioned roof plan.

·        Location of any skylights, dormers, and chimneys.

·        Identify type of roofing material.

·        Location of any required attic/rafter ventilation.

4. Exterior Elevations:

·        Provide one elevation for each side of building.

·        Accurately represent the building site and grading.

·        Identification of siding materials and roofing materials.

·        Dimensions from finished grade to key features, including to wall top plate and peak of highest roof for overall building height.

·        Location of all doors, windows, chimneys, decks, balconies, patios, exterior stairs.

5. Building Cross Sections:

·        Insulation locations, type and R-values.

·        Identify un-vented or vented crawlspace and associated requirements.

·        Identify un-vented or vented attic/rafter space and associated requirements.

6. Foundation Plan:

·        Show location and size of footings, stem-walls, isolated pad footings.

·        Identify hold down locations and types.

·        Identify anchor bolt size/spacing.

·        For Wood Framed Floors:

·        Indicate member size, spacing and bearing locations

·        Indicate attachments, nailing, hangars and other connection details.

·        Show the size and location of required crawlspace access.

·        Show the size and location of any required crawlspace vents.

·        Identify floor sheathing materials.

o    Identify un-vented or vented crawlspace and associated requirements.

·        For Slab On Grade Floors:

o    Indicate slab thickness and any required reinforcement.

7. Floor Framing Plan(s):

·        One framing plan foreach level.

·        Indicate member size, spacing and bearing locations

·        Indicate attachments, nailing, hangars and other connection details.

·        Lateral Bracing locations, type, length

8. Roof Framing Plan(s):

·        Indicate member size, spacing and bearing locations

·        Indicate attachments, nailing, hangars and other connection details.

·        Show the size and location of required attic access

9. Construction Details:

·        Foundation details showing size/placement of reinforcement steel; location of any required insulation, attachments of wall & floor framing, etc.

·        Framing connection details

·        Lateral bracing details

Supporting Documents:

1. Truss Documents – if applicable:

·        Truss layout

·        Truss Engineering, signed/stamped by licensed engineer.

2. Beam Calculation:

·        All Headers with property specific snow load

·        Any other structural members not conforming to prescriptive span tables.

3. Engineered Calculation – if applicable:

·        When required or provided, i.e., basements, retaining walls, trusses, headers, beams, 12’ tall walls etc.

·        Shall be project specific and identify site address.

·        Signed/stamped by licensed engineer.

·        Any details shall be included on a Drawing Sheet.


Building Permit Fee Schedule click here

Permit Application Information and Instructions - Mobile Home/Manufactured Home Permit Checklist - click here for the forms

Permit Application Information and Instructions - Outbuildings - click here for the forms

Permit Application Information and Instructions - Residential Building Permit - click here for the forms

Engineering requirements -click here

Public Records Request Form is here.

Application for Agricultural Building Exemption - click here

201 Industrial Ave. Council, Idaho 83612
(208) 253-4561
(208) 253-4227
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